≡movie4k≡ Watch Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey (1991) Online Free Full Episodes Without Downloading

  • Cast=Joss Ackland
  • runtime=93min
  • 59041 votes
  • release year=1991
  • USA

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Watch Les aventures de Bill et Ted (1991) Online Free Full Episodes Without downloading tout

Watch Les aventures de Bill et Ted (1991) Online Free Full Episodes Without downloading garanti 100. Watch Les aventures de Bill et Ted (1991) Online Free Full Episodes Without downloading exceptionnel.


Watch Les aventures de Bill et Ted (1991) Online Free Full Episodes Without downloading. Watch Les aventures de Bill et Ted (1991) Online Free Full Episodes Without downloading garanti. Watch Les aventures de Bill et Ted (1991) Online Free Full Episodes without downloading. Go way back to page ten of this review section, and work your way back up. Go ahead; I'll wait.
Done? Well, then you've probably noticed the same trend that I have. You could nitpick all day long about the lame jokes, dated timing and obviously derivative plot points and shtick in 'Bogus' but this movie seems to be one of those 'hate me now, love me later" flicks.
Bill and Ted's biggest problem was that the original appealed to those 80's kids who followed the tends and considered themselves on the cutting edge of fashion. That worked fine for the original, but obviously bombed in 1991, when no self-unrespecting slacker would be caught dead wearing anything but flannel or admitting he liked anything about the 80's. As Ted would put it: Dude, this is a totally deep hole. Wanna play 20 questions?
They say nostalgia goes in 20 year cycles, and that certainly seems to be the case here. Here in 2010, those of use who grew up with Cindi Lauper and Megadeth are beginning to look back to appreciate some of those pivotal films that (like it or not) made us who we are. If you're one of those who look at 'Bogus' as if it were an outdated ( Fa gs. ripoff, then you're missing the point and probably spent six years growing facial hair, wearing flannel and looking like you just crawled out of bed.
In self-referencing its own origins (the Star Trek episode" and and time traveling with a phone booth) B&T makes no attempt to hide its creators' love for homage. Quentin Tarantino, anyone? I'm not saying 'Bogus' is 'True Love, but I do think it needs to be appreciated for what it is: a fun snap-shot of our society at a time before child psychology, Ritalin, anti-smoking ads, terrorist paranoia and the proliferation of media fear-mongering.
So, for all of you B&T haters out off your Screaming Trees CD, get that hair out of your face, go to the beach and lighten up. Narcissistic depression and intellectual ennui are SO corporate.


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